jbTrendy "Troubadour Stylé"

jbTrendy "Troubadour Stylé"
L'épopéepop !!! Florilèges de Standards Pop des 50's à nos jours et de compos du tonnerre !!!

lundi 1 février 2010

Infinite Complacency: 3 The Defendant Michaux

Infinite Complacency: 3 The Defendant Michaux

I jbtrendy hereby testify that Didier Michaux bookstore Manager at Celebrity Centre Paris lied in front of the Paris court of justice by stating he didn't harras Eric Aubry or made indiscreet comments on him at the centre.

"Eric Aubry had got involved with Scientology after buying a copy of Dianetics from a Scientologist touring France in a bus to promote the movement".

I was this Scientologist

Jean-Baptiste Michaut alias JeanTox
Honorary LRH Personal Public Relation and Loyal Officer