jbTrendy "Troubadour Stylé"

jbTrendy "Troubadour Stylé"
L'épopéepop !!! Florilèges de Standards Pop des 50's à nos jours et de compos du tonnerre !!!

mercredi 9 octobre 2013

The Police - Synchronicity II

Bono of U2 on the Late Show with David Letterman (September 26, 2013) (F...

U2 - Pride + City Of Blinding Lights Live Obama Concert Washington [HD -...

How dream becomes reality when held up by visionary artists !!! Thanks to U2 !!! From a little frenchy or froggy if you wish who descend from scots who immigrated to America and espacially from one Lockhart who had to get shelter in France to marry a Catholic Lady in the 19th century !!! History can be blind sometimes !!! john Bartist Lockhart Michaut - jblm 9/10/2013

lundi 7 octobre 2013

L'humour royaliste chez dechavanne TV

Salut Vicky de Saint Hermine de la tendre émeute et ravi de t'avoir rencontré ce dimanche après-midi place des Abbesses à Montmartre commune libre où je chantais et jouais de la guitare avec L'incroyable Didier Engel-Vee et d'avoir devisé poétiquement avec toi sur le royaume des citoyens émancipés de la tyrannie de la connerie pour qu'advienne l'anarchie post utopique !!! See you next time on the mike !!! Merci - jbtrendy - Etoileprod@Live.fr 7/10/13

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication (Full Album)

Let's Red it Hot !!!

Behind The Scenes - Fun Times with Robin and Paula at Rémy Martin's Stai...

Fair enough for you the french touch with your best ambassador !!! 

Robin Thicke rien que cela !!! 

Not too shaby as they use to say in L.A last a centery ago !!! 

Great performing art scenery !!! 

jbtrendy etoileprod@live.fr 7/10/13

vendredi 4 octobre 2013

Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii - Directors Cut - Full Length! - 720p HD

We'll be together again !!!

A song produced by jbtrendy in 2001 in England with Jake Wilson. From an original theme by jake on keyboards. I pick up the bass and start to sing. The song is there. He starts programming the drums and keys, with the guitar I find right away the perfect gimmick. Jake finishes the programming over night while I'm writing the lyrics. Next day after work with the basic stereo track at home on an 8 tracks digital studio I play a bass, record a voice and add a guitar. I mix it, save it on mini CD and there it's in the box. Magical times !!! jblm 6.09.2013 - etoileprod@live.fr / intolabel

A film by John-Bartist Trendy with Nelly Duboc speaking on the phone with Didi and photos featuring Mylène Farmer who inspired this song, Costumade Lena, Paolo S Campanella, Delphine Terlizzi, Thomas Ader, Didier Engel Vee, JbTrendy, Raoul Moussay, Olivia Zeltner, Mister Pif, La Clinique des Arts & La Clinique des Arts Bis, Tim Lazer and a painting on Syria by Kapilo + Guests !!! This song is aired on TF1 in a program called "4 mariages pour une lune de Miel" !!! Etoileprod@live.fr / Intolabel 2013

lundi 30 septembre 2013

Karen Hudes: We're Running Out of Time! We're Dealing with Whether We Ca...

“Qatar, who has all this natural gas, wanted to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria to reach the European market. Who’s supplying the European market with gas? Russia. . . . All this business about dead babies and sarin gas is just all to keep us confused.” 

Metallica - Francais Pour Une Nuit [Live Nimes 2009 Full Concert HD]

lundi 23 septembre 2013

L'épopéepop ô Larson News Bar 28/09/2013 !!!

Yo les Parigo, les Performers de Panâme sont de retour ô Larson News Bar 90 av Gambetta Paris 20 ce samedi 28 sept de 20h à minuit. Couscous vraiment royal !!!

Franceway Live Style band en épopéepop!!! 
Le samedi 28 septembre 2013 de 20h30 à minuit 
ô Larson News Pub 
90 av Gambetta 75020 Paris 
M3bis Pelleport ou Saint Fargeau 
avec jbTrendy, Didi Hendrix, OZ & Lit'm + Guests. 
Entrée Libre + Chapeau - etoileprod@live.fr
Info soirée contact : Søren Gennevilliers Hadida 
07 61 92 13 18 nino-degano@hotmail.fr

Bob Marley - Natural Mystic (+playlist)

dimanche 22 septembre 2013

De La Clinique des Arts Bis à La Clinique des Arts Terre Ô Studio62 à Bagnolet !!!

Yo les zicos & performers de tous poils !!! ce soir reprise des jams de la clinique des arts à partir de 18h ô club 62 avenue gambetta 93170 Mairie de Bagnolet M3.Galliéni - entrée sur donation libre. etoileprod@live.fr

Jean-Baptiste Trendy: Jam Dominicale à La Clinique des Arts Terre Ô Club62 du 22/09/2013